How to Introduce Workplace Chaplaincy and Make It Successful

April 13, 2023  |   tagChaplain Services

Workplace chaplaincy is an innovative and growing employee benefit that can bring a positive impact on employees and the organization as a whole. Introducing a workplace chaplaincy service requires careful planning and execution to ensure its success. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about introducing workplace chaplaincy and how to gain the most benefit from a chaplain team.

Understanding Workplace Chaplaincy

best ways to introduce a chaplain into your workplaceBefore we discuss the steps to introduce a workplace chaplain, let us first understand what it means. Workplace chaplaincy is a service that offers spiritual and emotional support to employees in the workplace. The chaplain, who is often an ordained minister or clergy member, is available to employees for confidential conversations, counseling, and prayer.

Benefits of a Workplace Chaplaincy Service

A workplace chaplaincy service can have multiple benefits for employees and the organization. It provides a safe and confidential space for employees to talk about their personal and work-related issues. This, in turn, can lead to increased job satisfaction, reduced stress levels, and improved mental health. Moreover, a workplace chaplaincy service can help create a positive and supportive work environment, leading to increased employee engagement and retention.

Introducing a Workplace Chaplaincy Care Service

Step 1: Why Care for Employees?

As mental health and emotional struggles continue to grow, everyone can use a confidential, safe place or person with whom they can process their thoughts and emotions. Not everyone has a community or family to care for them. That’s where chaplains in the workplace can be especially useful. Do your employees need support? A listening ear? A neutral voice at work?  Since all humans have the same basic needs, chaplain care can benefit anyone regardless of their ethnicity, language, religion, marital status, gender, or occupation.

Step 2: Define the Chaplain Role

Will the chaplain team be available full-time or part-time? What will their responsibilities and duties be? Will they be available to all employees with varying shifts throughout the day? What language needs do your employees have? A professional, experienced chaplaincy organization will meet those needs and will work hard to find appropriate chaplains for your specific demographics.

Step 3: Develop Service Policies and Procedures

Develop policies and procedures for the services. This should include guidelines on confidentiality, the role of the chaplain, and how to access the services. It is also essential to establish clear communication channels between the chaplain, employees, and management. Again, choosing an experienced, professional chaplaincy organization will ensure that proper protocols are followed for all involved.

Step 4: Select an Organization

Select a chaplaincy organization that can best meet your employees’ needs. Trust their experience and expertise in knowing best how to serve your employees. An organization such as Marketplace Chaplains has thousands of hours of experience interacting with and serving employees and benefiting client company morale and success.

Step 5: Launch the Service Benefits

Once you have completed the above steps, it’s time to launch the service. Communicate the service to employees and provide training to managers and supervisors on how to refer employees to the chaplain. It is also important to evaluate the service regularly to ensure its success.

Tips for Success

Here are some tips to make your workplace chaplaincy service a success:

  • Ensure that the service is inclusive and available to all employees.
  • Encourage managers and supervisors to refer employees to the chaplain.
  • Establish clear communication channels between the chaplains, employees, and management.
  • Maintain confidentiality and allow the chaplains access to employee events to increase exposure such as health fairs, celebrations, etc.
  • Evaluate the service regularly and ensure that employees are aware of how to access the chaplains.
  • Allow the chaplains to do their work which is establishing relationships with the employees. This takes time, so give them time to establish their presence and availability.


Introducing a workplace chaplaincy service can have many benefits for employees and the organization.

However, it requires careful planning and execution to ensure its success. By following the steps outlined above and incorporating the tips for success, you can introduce a workplace chaplaincy service that can help create a positive and supportive work environment, leading to increased employee engagement and retention. Remember that the success of the service largely depends on how well it is introduced, managed, and utilized. The organization needs to allow the chaplains to do what they do best–care for employees.