Business Fit

Ready to create a new employee experience?

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How do you help your employees win?

First by helping them cope with constraints and baggage like on-going family problems, finances, stress, illness, grief, care of aging parents, rebellious teenagers, conflicts with co-workers and many other personal problems they bring to work each day. Sometimes life throws everyone a curve ball and the sudden crisis event can also paralyze and immobilize people.

Our Chaplains, who visit over 4,100 worksites weekly, are finding more and more employees have no real relationships of trust and confidence. Remember: When your people Win, you Win! Why not explore how we help hundreds of thousands of employees Win in life every day? It could mean the difference of a Win, Draw or Loss next year in your company!

Improving Your Culture

How Chaplains Help Managers Nationwide

Tom Ferguson, CEO, AZZ Inc.

Scott A Brodeur, Executive Consultant
A passionate consultant for executive level leadership, problem solving, organizational restructuring, training, processes and procedures, and building winning teams.

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The on-site human connection made by Marketplace Chaplains is just what the workforce has always needed, even more so during these national and global challenging times.

“The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional.” – Pastor and Author Max Lucado

Donna Fortune, HR Director
Exacto, Inc.
Sharon, WI
51 Employees
(served by Marketplace Chaplains since 2012)

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Our Chaplains have brought comfort to many of our employees. They connect to people on a level that is difficult to achieve in a work environment. We want our employees to have access to people outside of our chain of command that give them security to discuss highly confidential and personal information. Our Chaplains are both visible and available to our employees. They are part of the Exacto family and are always willing to attend our events and meet our remote employees. Our Chaplains fit our culture well.

Daniel Jones, CEO
Encore Wire Corporation
McKinney, TX
publicly-traded company, 1,254 employees
(served by Marketplace Chaplains since 2003)

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There have been a lot of changes in our industry, but we still deal in a handshake business with service and reliability, which goes back to the early days with Mr. Rego. I brought in (corporate wellness initiative) Marketplace Chaplains because I want my employees to know we care for them.
D CEO Magazine, May 2017

Mark Helm, President
Dolese Bros. Co.
Oklahoma City, OK
991 Employees
(served by Marketplace Chaplains since 2016)

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We brought in Marketplace Chaplains in 2016 to help with employee care as we have about 1,000 employees spread out in large and small operations across the state. The chaplains get into all our locations once a week and get to know the employees and become a resource in times of trouble. We have seen some really positive outcomes from the Chaplains that I am not sure would have happened without them. Although we don’t usually know which employees they are, we have heard stories of new and existing marriages supported, and care during family health issues and times of death.

Lou Bregou, Director of Operations
Driver’s Village
Cicero, NY
542 Employees
(served by Marketplace Chaplains since 2005)

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Quarterly, we have implemented “Lunch & Learns” facilitated by our chaplains, exploring topics such as marriage, raising children, raising teens, caring for aging parents, finances, and how to grow spiritually. This has proven quite valuable to our people, helping them to navigate many of the challenges they are facing. I believe our chaplain care, coupled with the “Lunch & Learns,” helps to build some margin into our people’s lives and that enables them to better navigate the pressures of life.

Janis Parker

Human Resources Manager
Hilcorp Energy Company
1,454 employees
(served by Marketplace Chaplains since 2002)

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We love our chaplains. They are here for us at all the highs and lows in our lives. I had a chaplain who left her family at the dinner table to go to the hospital and meet with a family that had just lost a child. Our chaplains have performed celebrations and funerals for our employees and as an HR professional, it is comforting to know that when I have an employee in the middle of an illness or tragedy, whether themselves or a family member, our Chaplain Care Team will assist them however they are needed.

Eric Snyder

Eric Snyder, Owner
Snyder Manufacturing Corporation
Long Beach, CA
13 employees
(with Marketplace since 2005)

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This is without a doubt one of the most beneficial programs we have for our employees.

We don’t have a problem with absenteeism.
We don’t have a problem with theft.
We don’t have a problem with corruption.
People know they are loved and appreciated.

Ann Ashley, Executive VP of Human Resources
The Biltmore Corporation
Asheville, NC
1,190 Employees
(served by Marketplace Chaplains since 2007)

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The Biltmore had grown from a small family operation to over 1,800 employees. We began asking ourselves ‘how do we keep the ‘smallness’, and how do we assure that someone notices if our people are having a bad day?’ The EAP, still in place, was excellent, but people weren’t calling. That’s when we brought in Marketplace Chaplains.

Lilian Radke, President
Unic Pro Inc.
Shrewsbury, MA
108 employees
(served by Marketplace Chaplains since 2018)

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We started with Marketplace Chaplains a couple months ago. Now I am thinking, ‘How did we do without them?’ Their service has been invaluable to us. One example of excellent care:  an employee lost her husband. She was depressed at home, not wanting to go to work at all. After a couple conversations with our Chaplain, she returned to work and is slowly getting back on her feet.

Why an EAP is Not Enough

This is an actual update from a Chaplain Team Leader

About 12:30 a.m., I received a call from Rick, the GM at “ABC Company.” He stated he had an employee who was very depressed and thought she was possibly suicidal. Since they found her crying in the bathroom, they first called the medical hot line they received from their insurance company/EAP and the only help they received was to set an appointment a couple of weeks from now with a counselor. “Rick felt she needed help right now. When he called me, we were able to respond immediately.”

Benefits and ROI

Improves Attitudes, Teamwork, Morale

Enhances Well-Being of Employees

Increases Loyalty; People Feel “Valued”

Increases Commitment to Goals and Objectives

Reduces Employee Conflicts

Reduces Stress

Improves Workplace Safety

Undergirds Corporate Culture

Decreases Absenteeism

Increases Productivity

Reduces Turnover


What is the potential Return on Investment for a Personal and Proactive Associate Care Service?

Absenteeism costs your company $789 per employee per year. 78% of absences are due to personal problems equaling a $615 charge to your bottom line. When a resourceful and caring “ABC Company Cares” Chaplain Team helps resolve only 10% of those problems, you would save $61.50 per associate annually.

Turnover costs your bottom line 2.5x’s per a full-time associate’s salary. A productive $55,000 a year, experienced manager leaving your company costs you $137,500. Department of Labor statistics show that 46% of the people that leave a company voluntarily do so because they don’t feel valued. Chaplains regularly help dissatisfied associates work through their problems, feel valued and remain on the job. When an “ABC Company Cares” Chaplain Team prevents one manager from leaving, the savings would far exceed any program cost.

Fraud costs your company an average of $4500 per associate annually (inventory, time, tools, raw materials, office supplies, long-distance usage, etc.). Behind the personal financial distress motive of fraud is the existence of an “unsharable need.” Chaplains provide that outlet which allows people to share their problems confidentially when they are in a bind. When an “ABC Company Cares” Chaplain Team prevents 1% of in-house fraud, your savings would be $45 per employee annually.

A Savings of $106.50 would be realized per Employee annually in regards to only 2 of the 10 Benefits a Chaplain Team will provide.

Wondering if your people will really use the service?

This sample report usually astonishes company leaders!