What is a Chaplain Care Team?

A Chaplain Care Team brings a wealth of experience to the table as members hold various backgrounds of expertise and education – from family counseling to grief care, to senior care, and much more. They are dedicated to supporting the mental and emotional well-being of employees.

Our Care Teams, comprised of male, female, and ethnically diverse Chaplains, are assigned based on company location and reflect the makeup of the employee base, allowing language and cultural barriers to diminish.

Our chaplain-to-employee ratio is the lowest in the industry, averaging 1:200. With high approval ratings and long tenure within organizations, Care Teams are fully trained, managed, and supported by full-time Leaders.

What kind of experience and training do Chaplains have?

Our Chaplain Training Academy combines the latest learning trends, changing workforce challenges, and training needs with our 5 million hours of workplace chaplaincy experience to ensure our content is relevant, innovative, and effective.

The training components are delivered via teaching manuals that connect electronically to our Learning Management System. The learning is supplemented by videos and over 100 modules of continuing education topics.

Mentoring, monthly chaplain team meetings, and coaching by Senior Chaplains ensure the knowledge is anchored. Each chaplain is supported and supervised by a veteran leadership team.

How often do Chaplains visit the worksite?

Chaplain Care Teams regularly visit the worksite (usually weekly) to interact with employees and build relationships of trust and friendship.

Do the same Chaplains visit each time?

Yes, since relationship development is a pillar of highly-effective chaplain support, we strive to maintain consistency among the chaplain team members.

How do Chaplains provide care for remote, hybrid, or international employees?

Chaplain care for all offsite employees and immediate family members is voluntary, confidential, and neutral from company operations. Services for offsite employees are included, except for regularly scheduled onsite visits.

Chaplains are available to each employee by phone, text, email, or video chat. All offsite employees will receive a monthly newsletter by email, and each touch point includes an opt-out feature.

All employees may download our proprietary MyChap App, which enables 24-hour communication via phone, text, video chat, or email to connect with an assigned Chaplain Team member, schedule an appointment, or browse additional resources. Employees may download the free app from the App Store or get it on Google Play.

What will a Chaplain do and not do?

Our Chaplain Care Teams Will:

  • Be available 24/7/365 nationwide and across Canada to employees and their family members
  • Make regular worksite visits
  • Upon invitation, visit a home, hospital, nursing home, funeral home, or jail
  • Meet at a neutral site away from the workplace
  • Discuss personal issues:
    • Stress
    • Parenting
    • Marriage/Relationships
    • Mental Health challenges
    • Stress
    • Anxiety
    • Financial Concerns
    • Addiction
    • Aging Parents
    • Serious Illness
    • And more…
  • Provide referrals and assist with grief, family deaths, and funerals

Our Chaplain Care Teams Will Not:

  • Break confidentiality* (except when employees discuss A) harming themselves, others, or the company, B) breaking the law)
  • Judge lifestyle or personal conduct
  • Force a conversation
  • Interfere with work
  • Promote a particular religious organization or proselytize
  • Represent employees to management or management to employees
  • Accept gifts or gratuities

Is this service a replacement for an EAP?

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) often show less than 7% utilization rates. While EAPs are potentially an excellent service, usage is low due to the following:

  • Non-existent relationships with the employees
  • The stigma associated with seeking help for mental health issues
  • Confidentiality concerns
  • Lack of clarity of what is included or how to use the service

We help fill in the gap and go the extra mile to create a safe space for employees and develop relationships that encourage healing and transformation.

Conversations with Chaplains are proactive and always confidential.

Our Chaplain Care Teams are dedicated to supporting the emotional well-being of employees and their family members.

How do Chaplains support various lifestyles and backgrounds?

Chaplains meet employees where they are and focus on commonalities, not the differences – allowing employees to dictate the type of conversation while offering help, support, and encouragement for whatever employees are going through in their lives as a caring reflection of the company leadership.

Our chaplains see employees as God sees them and do not judge individual conduct/lifestyle.

When requested, Chaplains will help locate a representative of an employee’s faith tradition to extend care.